2020 is here

2020 is here. We can make the most of this year by taking care of ourselves, those close to us, and those we will never know who are suffering under extreme circumstances - by changing what we eat.  We know our food selection determines our health, and affects world hunger, global warming and animal welfare.  Land for meat production is destroying great forests and habitats, endangering survival of wildlife and plants. Once gone, they will not return. We need a global reduction in meat consumption and a change to healthy and sustainable plant based eating.

2019 was called the year of the vegan by Holistic Primary Care. “Plant based food sales increased by 31% from April of 2017 and 11% in the past 12 months”. Total food sales increased by only 2%. Plant based meat and dairy substitutes are filling  store shelves and being tried by more of us. This is helpful but we really need to get to the vegetables. The way to improve our health is to eat more vegetables- especially dark green and leafy.

Dr. Dean Ornish has written a new book called Undo It, referring to undoing chronic diseased like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol. His diet is low sugar, low fat, whole plant based foods in as natural a state as possible. He also recommends 30 minutes of exercise per day, stress reduction and love and intimacy. His book is well researched. In 9 weeks on his plan you can reverse arterial plaque and in 3 months you can lower your genetic risk for cancer and heart disease.

There is an excellent documentary by James Cameron called “The Game Changers” which shows high performance athletes who changed to vegan eating surpassing physical expectations in their sport. Included is a section on enhanced virility by eating vegan.

 My book, “Enlighted Eating” contains classic information and inspiration for a plant based diet.  It is available at my office or on amazon.